
Category Archives: 3D Resin Printing Tools

Finishing 3D Resin Prints: How to Use Acrylics, Inks and Washes to Build Color

crabman 3d resin print

Building up color using acrylics, inks and washes are a great painting technique to make a 3D resin print come to life. In this video I’ll show you how to prost process your 3D resin print, sand, paint and display it so that it really pops.

She Hulk: 3D Resin Print – Sanix 3D Design

She Hulk: 3D Resin Print

This is She Hulk model is another fantastic design from Sanix. In this video I’ll take you through printing, finishing and painting. In the end we’ll assemble all the pieces and have a really cool She Hulk model to display. Finishing 3D resin prints can really make them come to life.