
Author Archives: Kevin

Eye of Agamotto – Resin 3D Print

Eye of Agamotto

I am a huge Doctor Strange fan, I’ve collected and read his comics for years and it’s been awesome to see him come to life on the silver screen. In this video I create his Eye of Agamotto using resin printing to get the most detail as possible. Then I add LEDs and leather cord and jewelry pieces to finish it off. Very happy with this prop.

Star Trek Discovery Badges: 3D Resin Prints

Star Trek Discovery Badges

Star Trek badges from Discovery look so cool! I used my Elegoo Mars to get super detail on the badges. I then finished them with minimal sanding and just a simple application of gold rub-n-buff. Then I framed them in a simple window frame.

Painting Resin 3D Prints : The Dark Knight

Painting Resin 3D Prints : The Dark Knight

You can really get some amazing details when you use a 3D resin printer, but to really make them shine you need to finish and paint them. In this video I’ll walk you through the steps I used to paint this incredible Batman figure.